Wednesday, June 11, 2008

haha I'm blogging at work again! Last day of school today!!!!!! hmm...I don't know why I'm putting all those exclamation points since I feel very blah and tired today. It was not at all exciting or sad. Didn't even feel like it was over.

Today, Grace and I were sitting in front of this church (I had like 3 hours to kill before work) and we were talking. Grace patiently listened while I ranted and fulminated B and the multiple things I dislike about her. Well not that I hate her, I am just tired of her and how she is changing lately. I must say she is not responding well to this[B].

Grace said that people generally expect pretty people to act a certain way[friendly, dumb,slutty] and I don't fulfill their expectations at all [quiet, arrogant,reads a lot] and that it makes them uncomfortable. People hate what they don't understand. We actually had a long conversation [3 hours long] and mainly about me.

Whoever reads this blog still doesn't know me very well. Maybe reading my old blog will help you understand what a nerd I am. [here!!!] yeahhhh. I quit because it as a hassle and I read too many books and I never reviewed them. This blog is easier because I can write whatever I want.

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