Saturday, June 21, 2008

Have I mentioned that I really just don't like old people? Well, I don't. they give me the creeps in between bouts of pity and disgust. They always have food in the corner of their mouths. They are still chock full 0f 50 and 60 ideals. Whenever you try to talk to them they ramble off into a dialogue about their childhood. instead of saying "I had soup for lunch." They go off on a verb rampage as they describe the whole meal and how they felt afterward. They discuss how they didn't want to retire because they felt they would be useless, and how back then, boys didn't like girls to be too smart. and at the end of the lunch and 20 minute car ride, I am grateful to hurry to work. Seriously, I've yet to meet an old person I like.

listening to:
The Hot Tramps - Dixie Peach

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